A Xiaomi Mi 6 is a real flagship killer. Starting at € 350,- at GearBest it's affordable with great specs like a Snapdragon 835, 6GB RAM and 64GB to 128GB storage an last but not least good performance. The downside is that the standard global ROM doesn't support all languages, especially Dutch, my native language. So how to get it to another ROM. Well, Xiaomi didn't make it easy to do, but if you want it's doable. Follow the steps below and you'll end up with unlocked, rooted phone on which you can put a compatible ROM like the xiaomi.eu ROMS:

  1. First of all, register for unlock at the Xiaomi site, create an account to use later

  2. Download the developer ROM and put it in your downloaded_rom folder on your phone

  3. Go to the Updater App on your phone and install the downloaded developer ROM. All data is wiped!

  4. Go to settings, about phone. Click 5 times on the MIUI version and you will see a message saying that you have enable developer mode

  5. Go to Settings, Additional Settings and choose Developer options

    1. Enable USB Debugging

    2. Check Mi Unlock status. If you'r not on the developer ROM you'll get an error when trying to connect device and account created at step 1

  6. After succesfully connecting the device and account you'll have to wait at least 72 hours!

  7. After three days of waiting you can start the unlock tool you can find at this site

    1. Put the phone in bootloader mode (start it with volume down pressed)

    2. Execute the unlock tool

The device is now unlocked and ready be installed with another rom. The first steps are to install another bootloader and SuperSU tool. Follow the steps below to accomplish this:

  1. Download the bootloader and SuperSU for the Xiaomi Mi 6

    1. TWRP for Xiaomi Mi, codename Sagit

    2. SuperSU zip

  2. Download the ADB tools with a TWRP version (not the latest) from dropbox.

  3. Put the SuperSU zip file on the phone's internal memory

  4. Put the phone in bootloader mode (start it with volume down pressed)

  5. Open a commandbox en execute from the directory where the file is extracted downloaded in step 2:

    1. fastboot flash recovery twrp.img (or the image downloaded at step 1/1)

    2. fastboot boot twrp.img

  6. The phone will restart in TWRP recovery and will ask for a password. In my case I could use the pin I created

  7. Install the SuperSU zip file

As of now the phone is rooted and you'll be able to install other ROMS. Be aware of the risks and make a backup of the current situation before doing new installation! In another article i'll try to explain how to install another ROM like the miui.eu version.



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